Press play! con
Press Play! Con is our first-ever cosplay and gaming event on March 24, 2018, highlighting video games, anime, and art. Since this leisure content greatly influences modern society, it is important to embrace it to help nurture human imagination.
The convention is designed to promote and provide an outlet for companies and organizations to provide services and/or sales relevant to this form of entertainment. It also gives society a new venue for everyone to enjoy leisure and leisure time. Businesses or companies may participate by becoming sponsors for the event. Sponsorship includes the following: monetary or prize/service donation. If companies choose to sponsor, they can have the option to sell items during the event. This sponsorship will reserve a booth area to display products, services, or advertisements concerning their business or company. Non-profit organizations (such as gaming groups or cosplay) can also sponsor and reserve a booth area for their members. The prize donations will be strictly used as incentives for gaming tournaments and competitions held at the event. On the other hand, monetary sponsorships will be used to allocate necessary expenditures for the event. However, it may also be used for competition prizes.
One unique aspect of the convention is having an art gallery for artists to share with the guests and a live on-the-spot art contest. Because of the pandemic, we will update our event and website for 2025. Check out some of the highlights of this event. Thank you to 671Gaming for covering the convention.